
Beauty trend: in & out

In the last period we have witnessed a boom in supplements for the beauty of skin and hair. It's called the in&out or inside beauty or beauty from within approach and consists of associating a dietary supplement with your skincare routine.

It's called the in&out or inside beauty or beauty from within approach and consists of associating a dietary supplement with your skincare routine.

In 2022, an interview was conducted by The Benchmark Company, which asked more than 2,000 women over 18 to share information about using supplements. About 87% of the women interviewed answered that supplements are part of their face and body beauty routine. 92% also agree that an "inside out" approach can be effective in achieving their beauty goals.

What are the most popular supplements?

n first place those for healthy hair growth, in second place those for having strong nails, then there are those based on collagen for a redensifying action on the skin, and finally those for skin well-being in general. Furthermore, consumers are increasingly looking at the scientific nature of cosmetic ingredients and their effectiveness. Some examples of ingredients under study: • oral intake of pycnogenol, extracted from maritime pine, leads to an improvement in the elasticity and luminosity of the skin. • research still in progress on the oral efficacy against stretch marks of gotu kola, also known as Gotu Kola, already widely studied and known topically as a remedy for redness and skin sensitivity.

Source: https://www.cosmeticsdesign-asia.com/Article/2021/06/24/China-beauty-supplementmarket-presents-significant-opportunity-for-natural-and-scientifically-backed-productsHorphag-Research? utm_source=copyright&utm_medium=OnSite&utm_campaign=copyright

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